Ways to Spring Clean Your LinkedIn Profile
By Wayne Breitbarth, Andersen
Alumnus and CEO-Power Formula LLC (Author of “The
Power Formula for LinkedIn Success: Kick-Start Your Business, Brand and Job
are ten easy ways to brush off the cobwebs and whip your LinkedIn profile into
shape this spring.
Summary. Use the Summary section to
sell yourself. Think of it as your cover letter or elevator speech. With the
current profile format, the first 300 characters of your Summary are going to
be read often; so spruce it up and make it shine.
Add Media. Not only will adding media help
your profile be more visually interesting, but it's a great way to get people
to visit your website, check out some of your best work examples, and get
copies of important documents, like your resume, your customer testimonials,
etc. You can add media to the Summary, Job Experience, and Education entries of
your profile.
Recommendations. Get at least two current, impactful
Your two most recent recommendations are nicely displayed. Note, however, that
you cannot reorder them. The rest of your recommendations get buried in the Show
more drawer; so consider grabbing the best quotes from your recommendations
and placing them in the job entry that they are tied to.
8. Accomplishments.
Don't be afraid to toot your own horn. Use all of the subsections in the Accomplishments section
to set yourself apart from your competitors. Subsections currently include
Publications, Patents, Courses, Projects, Honors & Awards, Test Scores,
Languages, and Organizations.
Volunteer Experience. Everyone loves to work with people
who genuinely care about others. Let the world know what organizations you
support—and it will be great publicity for your favorite charitable group, too.
Calls to Action. You don't want people to just look
at your profile—you want them to do something. Invite readers to watch a video,
go to your website, or request a quote. It's easy to include calls to action in
your Summary section, but you can creatively include them in other sections as
up your LinkedIn profile this spring and get ready to watch your business
you'd like me to help you spring clean your profile, sign up for one of the
four to six personal sessions I fit into my schedule each week. These
consultations are specially priced at $197. Book your session here.
will share my computer screen with you during the call and send you a marked-up
copy of your profile prior to the call.
you’re using LinkedIn to find your next high-impact customer, raise your
organization’s profile, or land the job of your dreams, this session is for
There are limited spots available, so don't delay. Book your session today by clicking here.